/ Documentation /Blocks/WP – Search

WP – Search

This block lets you add the WordPress search field on the page. This will help users to search for the required information easily. You can customize and color up the search field.

Key Features –

  • Inbuilt compact layouts – Classic and Minimal
  • Custom Placeholder
  • Mange the search box width
  • Customize the search button
  • Color and typography for every part


Layout – Classic / Minimal – Classic layout will display search button beside the search bar while Minimal will display just placeholder.

Placeholder – You can set a custom placeholder to guide users the action they need to take.

Input Width – You can manage the width of the search box with this.

WP – Search

Input Box

Customize the input box with this. Here are available options –

  • Text and Background Color
  • Border Style and Color
  • Padding
  • Typography
  • Box Shadow
WP – Search

Search Button

Search button will appear beside the input box when Classic layouts is selected. You can customize this button with –

  • Custom Icon
  • Width
  • Icon and background color
  • Hover color
WP – Search
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