/ Documentation /Spectra One/ How to add a Transparent / Sticky header?

How to add a Transparent / Sticky header?

The transparent and sticky header options allow you to customize the appearance and behavior of the header on your website. Here’s some information about each option:

Transparent Header: This option enables you to make the header background transparent, allowing the content of your website to be partially visible behind it. It can create a modern and visually appealing effect, particularly when combined with a scrolling feature.

Sticky Header: The sticky header option ensures that the header remains fixed at the top of the page even when the user scrolls down. This ensures that the header is always visible, providing easy access to important navigation elements and maintaining consistent branding.

To add a transparent or sticky header, Ensure the Spectra One theme is installed: The transparent and sticky header features are part of the Spectra One theme, so make sure you have it installed and activated on your WordPress site.

Transparent / Sticky header in Spectra One

The Spectra One theme offers Transparent and Sticky headers. These options have a global impact and apply to the overall design. You can access the global settings by navigating to Appearance> Editor > select Header (from list view). Once there, you will find the options in the headers block settings.

How to add a Transparent / Sticky header?

If you wish to apply the same sticky or transparent header to a specific page or post, you can find the options in the Spectra Page Settings within the respective page/post. This allows users to customize the header’s behavior and appearance to add flexibility to their website.

How to add a Transparent / Sticky header?
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