/ Documentation /General/ Display Conditions For Blocks

Display Conditions For Blocks

Spectra has introduced the Display conditions feature for the blocks.

The Display conditions are the options on which you would like to hide the block based on:

  • User State
  • User Role
  • Browser
  • Operating System
  • Day

For example, a website administrator can use Display Conditions to show a “Welcome Back” message block only to logged-in users on a desktop browser.

You can enable the Display conditions from the Spectra Admin Panel. Navigate to Spectra > Dashboard > Blocks / Extensions and enable “Display Conditions”.

Once you enable the display conditions option, you can find the Display Conditions settings under the “Advanced” section of the respective blocks.

You’ll see the following options after selecting options from the “Display Conditions” dropdown.

  • User State: Hide from Logged In, Logged out users.
  • Hide for User Role: None, Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, Subscriber, Customer, Shop Manager, Group Leader, LMS Manager, Instructor, Instructor’s Assistant, Student, and more based on your site.
  • Hide on Browser: Lets you hide blocks on browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera Mini, Opera, Safari, and Microsoft Edge.
  • Hide on Operating System: iOS, Android, Windows, OpenBSD, SunOS, Linux, Mac OS.
  • Day: You can select the days you want to disable.

Note: These settings will only take effect once you are on the live page, not while editing.

How to disable Block Display Conditions for specific post types?

To disable Block Display Conditions for specific post types, you need to add the below-mentioned filters to your child theme’s functions.php file.

Note: We recommend adding code to the child theme so any changes aren’t lost during theme updates.

1) To disable the Block display conditions from all post types.

add_filter( \'enable_block_condition\', \'__return_false\' );

2) To disable the Block display conditions for Page post type.

add_filter( \'enable_block_condition\', function( $default = true) {
	if (isset($_REQUEST[\'post_type\']) && \'page\' === $_REQUEST[\'post_type\']) {
        return false;
    } elseif (isset($_GET[\'post\']) && \'page\' === get_post_type($_GET[\'post\'])) {
        return false;
	return $default;
} );

3) To disable the Block display conditions for Post.

add_filter( \'enable_block_condition\', function( $default = true) {
    global $pagenow;
    if(in_array( $pagenow, array( \'post.php\', \'post-new.php\' ) )){
        if (isset($_REQUEST[\'post_type\']) && \'page\' === $_REQUEST[\'post_type\']) {
            return true;
        } elseif (isset($_GET[\'post\']) && \'page\' === get_post_type($_GET[\'post\'])) {
            return true;
        return false;

	return $default;
} );

That’s it! If you have any other questions, feel free to open a support ticket below. We’re always here to help!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is it expected to find Spectra settings under the “Settings” menu, as the description suggests? I couldn’t locate Spectra under the “Settings” section, and there doesn’t seem to be an option within the Spectra menu either. Is there any guidance regarding this?

A: If you’re using an older version, you can locate Spectra under the Settings section. However, if you’re using the latest version, you’ll find Spectra in the WP dashboard.

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