/ Documentation /Spectra One/ How to Change the Site Logo?

How to Change the Site Logo?

A site logo is an icon that represents a website or a brand. You’ll usually see it at the top of a website’s page. It helps people know what website they’re on and what company it represents.

To change it in Spectra One, go to your WordPress dashboard and follow these steps:

  • Navigate to Appearance > Editor and double-click on your site logo.
  • Click on the “Edit template” option when prompted.
  • Select the site logo block and click “Replace”. You can upload an image from your device or select one from the media library.
  • Save your changes. 

Here’s a video walkthrough of the same:

After following these steps, the Spectra One theme should display the updated logo on your website. 

If it doesn’t, please contact us by opening a ticket below. We’re always here to help!

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