/ Documentation /Installation and Updates/How to Install Spectra Pro Plugin

How to Install Spectra Pro Plugin

Spectra Pro is a plugin that extends the functionality of the free Spectra Plugin by introducing a host of additional features. Before installing the Spectra Pro, please ensure you have the Spectra installed and activated on your website.

To install the Spectra Pro on your WordPress site, follow these steps:

Step 1: Login to our store.

Step 2: Navigate to Accounts > Downloads and download the Spectra Pro plugin. You’ll get an installable zip file on your computer.

Step 3: In your WordPress admin, go to Plugins > Add New. Click on ‘Upload Plugin‘ and upload this zip file.

Step 4: Activate the plugin in the subsequent steps.

Next, you’ll need to get and activate the Spectra Pro License, which you can find at Account > Licenses. Follow this article to learn how to do it.

For a visual walkthrough, check out our video tutorial on installing and activating the Spectra Pro Plugin.

That concludes the installation process for Spectra Pro. For any further assistance, please contact our support by opening a ticket below.

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