/ Documentation /General/ Move the Title Bar to Top

Move the Title Bar to Top

We’ve made an improvement to the Gutenberg editor to make creating content and designing a page even easier. The title bar, where you can edit your page’s title, has been moved to the top of the screen.

What are the Benefits of Relocating the Title Bar

Moving the title bar to the top enhances the editing space, making it cleaner and easier to navigate. This adjustment simplifies content creation by placing the title field in a more intuitive location, allowing for smoother workflow when adding or editing content.

How to Enable/Disable Moving the Title Area to the Top

You can follow the below steps to enable/disable moving title area to the top.

  1. Navigate to your WordPress dashboard and locate the Spectra settings.
  2. Within the Spectra settings, look for the “Editor Enhancements” section.
  3. Find the option labeled “Move Title to Top.” This controls the title bar’s position.
  4. Toggle the “Move Title to Top” option to On/ Off as per your preference.
  5. The changes will be saved automatically.

If you disable this option, the title bar will remain below the top bar area, as shown in the screenshot provided.

Spectra prioritizes user experience, and this option allows you to customize your editing experience within the Gutenberg editor.

You can choose the title bar position that keeps your editing process smooth and efficient.

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