/ Documentation /Blocks/ Taxonomy List

Taxonomy List

The Taxonomy List block introduced in v1.18.0 allows inserting taxonomies anywhere on your website based on the post type you are currently on.

Following is a live example of how the Taxonomy List would look like —

Grid Layout

List Layout

Let’s dive further to see the range of options and how to use the block –

Key Features

  • Choose from Inbuilt Layouts – Grid/List
  • Style with Colors & Typography
  • Child-parent hierarchy representation



  • Post Type â€“ Default option Posts â€“ Select your post type like Posts, Pages, etc., or choose another post type based on the post types created on your WordPress setup.
  • Taxonomy â€“ Categories/Tags/etc. Based on the Taxonomy created you can select them here.
  • Show Empty Taxonomy â€“ Let\’s say you do not have any posts assigned to certain Taxonomy you can display them by enabling this option.
  • Show Posts Count â€“ Posts count can be displayed under individual taxonomies with this option.


  • We provide inbuilt layout options like Grid/List to display better-looking taxonomies.
  • Columns – Enter column values to display the Grid Taxonomies in the column. For list type, you will simply need to select list from the above option.
  • Alignment – You can choose from the following – Left/Center/Right options on how to align the content on your Taxonomy block.
  • Show Hierarchy: This option is displayed when you have selected the List layout and will display Child Parent Hierarchy if taxonomies have child taxonomy.
  • List Style: This option will display some pre-defined list styles like bulleted, numbered, and dashed.


Under the Style tab, you can style your Taxonomy block to match your website styling with the following options —

  • Background Color – You will be able to add a Background Image to the Grid Layout content
  • Title Color – This option will help manage the Title color of the Taxonomies
  • Count Color – This option will help manage the color of the count values


You can manage the spacing of the Taxonomy block using the following Spacing options —

  • Row Gap – This will help manage the spacing between the Taxonomy when the content Grid is on Two columns.
  • Column Gap – This will help manage the spacing between the Grid taxonomies when you have them on Two columns.
  • Padding – This helps manage the spacing around the content of the Taxonomies content and count.


Styling options as provided below helps in styling the block completely —

  • Title Typography – Helps manage the typography of the title.
  • Count Typography – Helps manage the typography of the Count.
  • Box Shadow – Helps manage the Box shadow of the Grid layout box
  • Border Style – Helps manage the border styling of the Grid Layout box
  • Border Thickness – Helps manage the border thickness of the Grid Layout box
  • Rounded Corners – Helps round the corners of the grid layout box
  • Border Color – Helps style the border color of the grid layout box
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