/ Documentation /Blocks/ How to Add Custom Blocks Under Spectra Blocks

How to Add Custom Blocks Under Spectra Blocks

This guide walks you through adding your custom blocks to the Spectra Blocks category within the Gutenberg editor.

This approach helps you organize your blocks effectively and streamline your workflow.

Understanding the Spectra Block Category

Spectra uses a pre-defined category named uagb to group its blocks. Assigning your custom blocks to this category keeps them organized alongside Spectra’s functionalities.

Steps to Add Your Custom Block

Here’s how to integrate your custom block seamlessly with Spectra blocks:

  1. Develop Your Custom Block:
    • Create the custom block you want to add to the Spectra category.
    • Ensure it functions and looks as intended.
  2. Assign the Category:
    • Within the code or settings of your custom block, locate the option for assigning a category.
    • Select the category name uagb. This assigns your block to the Spectra Blocks category.

To better understand the process, you can refer to this example guide: https://gutenberghub.com/how-to-create-custom-block-category/

By following these steps, your custom blocks will appear within the Spectra Blocks category in the Gutenberg editor. This organization makes it easier to find and use your custom blocks alongside Spectra’s functionalities.

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