/ Documentation /Blocks/Adding a Newsletter Form to Your WordPress Site Footer

Adding a Newsletter Form to Your WordPress Site Footer

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of adding a newsletter form to your WordPress site footer. 

A newsletter form in the footer section allows visitors to easily subscribe to your updates and stay connected with your website’s latest content.

To follow along with this guide, make sure you have both Astra and Spectra installed and activated on your WordPress site.

Let’s begin!

  • Navigate to Appearance > Widgets.
  • Click the + icon under Footer Builder Widget 1 and select “Form”.
  • If you don’t see such an option here, go to Appearance > Customize and add a widget to your footer builder.

See this doc for more details.

  • Select “Newsletter Form”.

Click on the Update button. You should see a basic newsletter form added to your WordPress website footer.

Customizing the Spectra Newsletter

In the following section, we’ll explore some of the customization options that’ll help you style the newsletter form according to your needs:

Styling the Submit Button

This is the button users press after entering their email address and name.

  • You can align the submit button under General > Submit Button and “Button Alignment”.
  • Enable  “Inherit From Theme” to match the button to your website theme.
  • Under Style > Submit Button, you can adjust the size, button text color, and the button background color.
  • Select different font styles for the button text under “Typography”.

Editing the Newsletter Form Text

This includes everything from the labels, placeholder text, and the font styles associated with them.

  • Under Style > Label, you can set color, font styles, and spacing for form labels.
  • Disable the “Show Labels” button under General if you don’t want to show these labels.
  • Select the individual label to edit the placeholder data here.
  • Enable the “Required” option to make a particular field necessary to fill.

Receiving Email Submissions

When users fill up the form, you’ll need to get these responses to collect their form responses. 

Spectra allows you to directly receive these form responses in your own email address. To configure this behavior:

  • Go to General > Actions and enter your email address under “To”.
  • You can also add the “CC” and “BCC” recipients here.

Note: To get these form responses in your email, you’ll need to configure the SMTP settings in your hosting service.

You can explore more such options within the Spectra side panel. Customize the newsletter according to your needs freely.

For any doubts, feel free to open a support ticket below and reach out to us!

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