/ Documentation /Blocks/ Spectra – Taxonomy Styling Options

Spectra – Taxonomy Styling Options

Spectra has now developed a new feature that allows the Taxonomy Styling option for grid/masonry/carousel blocks.

Taxonomy Styling options in Spectra

Spectra allows you to style taxonomy for the grid/masonry/carousel blocks. This article will provide complete information regarding taxonomy styling options for each block.

Taxonomy Styling options for Post Carousel block

Spectra will let you do the styling options for the post carousel block. Selecting the post carousel block, you can see the ‘General’ settings tab. Navigate to General > Content. You can see the toggle button to enable the ‘Show taxonomy’ option. 

Spectra – Taxonomy Styling Options

Once you enable the toggle, it will change to a blue color. You can select the taxonomy position with meta or above title by enabling\’ Show Taxonomy\’.

Spectra – Taxonomy Styling Options

Setting a taxonomy position to ‘With Meta’ will show the post category beside the metadata itself.

Spectra – Taxonomy Styling Options

Setting a taxonomy position to Above Title’ will show the post category above the post title. 

Spectra – Taxonomy Styling Options

When you set the taxonomy position to ‘Above title’, you will find taxonomy style options as normal and highlighted. 

When you set the taxonomy style to highlighted, it will be displayed as follows. Have a glance at the below-attached screenshot once.

Spectra – Taxonomy Styling Options

NOTE: You can find the same taxonomy styling option in all our post layout (grid/carousel/masonry) blocks.

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