/ Documentation /Blocks/Move Block Patterns from One Site to Another

Move Block Patterns from One Site to Another

Spectra lets you copy and reuse block patterns across different websites.

This functionality is perfect for replicating pre-designed sections like hero banners, feature boxes, or team member showcases. This will save you time, ensuring design consistency across your websites.

How to Move Block Patterns from One Site to Another

You can easily copy Block patterns from one website to another using Spectra.

Here’s how you can do the same:

  • Enable the list view and click on the block you want to copy.
  • On the right of the block name, click on three docs, and click on copy to copy that block.
  • Go to another site, click the “+” icon on the page where you want to add that pattern and paste it there.
  • Your copied block would start showing up on another site too.

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