What's New in Spectra

Version 2.0.15


  • Info Box – Added Responsive feature to the Info Box icon width setting.
  • Info Box – Added a background type selector for the call-to-action.
  • Info Box – Added a toggle to show/hide the call-to-action icons.
  • Call To Action – Added support to edit the button labels directly in the editor.
  • Call To Action – Added a toggle to show/hide the button icon.
  • FAQ – Added a background type selector for the question-answer container.
  • Forms – Added a background type selector for the submit button.
  • Post Carousel/Grid/Masonry – Added support to edit the button labels directly in the editor.
  • Post Carousel/Grid/Masonry – Added a background type selector for the call-to-action.
  • Post Carousel – Added a background type selector.
  • Post Timeline – Added support to edit the button labels directly in the editor.
  • Responsive Conditions – Added slanted lines to identify hidden blocks for each device type in the editor.
  • Text Control – Updated and Implemented a new and improved Text Control across Spectra settings for a more consistent user interface.
  • Global – Implemented CLS for all the blocks which have an image tag.
  • Global – Updated the highlighter color for Spectra blocks.
  • Global – Updated How To and Table Of Content block labels in the editor and the admin dashboard.
  • Responsive Conditions – Added uag_reponsive_conditions_compatible_blocks js filter to add the responsive conditions compatibility for third-party blocks.


  • Image – Resolved the issue where the negative margins are ineffective inside a Container.
  • Info Box – Resolved an issue with the title being disabled in the editor when the paragraph tag is used.
  • Call To Action – Resolved the second button CSS style issue on the front end.
  • Marketing Button – Resolved the issue with the Blocksy Theme where the block does not remain in the stacked order.
  • Post Carousel/Grid/Masonry – Resolved the article tag class conflict with the TranslatePress plugin.
  • Table Of Contents – Resolved an issue regarding the marker alignments.
  • Tabs – Resolved the aria mismatch issue with Lighthouse.
  • Presets – Updated presets to remove the override for background color, box-shadow color, text content and even selected icons.
  • Responsive Conditions – Resolved an issue where the responsive conditions do not save when using a Legacy Block.
  • Global – Removed the deprecated “__experimentalGetSettings” and used “getSettings” for date controls.
  • Global – Resolved the scroll-to-specific-block feature not working when switching between desktop/tablet/mobile.
  • Global – Prevented most blocks from encountering an issue with the react hook “withSelect”.
  • Admin Dashboard – Prevented the font selection dropdown from getting cut off when expanded.

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