/ Documentation /Spectra One/ Templates and Template Parts in FSE

Templates and Template Parts in FSE

Spectra One theme consists of various types of templates. There are site templates like home, archive, and 404, which are integral parts of the template hierarchy and can be edited in the Site Editor. Additionally, there are page templates that are assigned to specific posts or pages and can be edited in the template editor.

Templates in Spectra One theme

If you prefer to create templates using the Site Editor, please ensure you have the necessary user roles and capabilities (such as administrator) to access the templates.

  • In the Site Editor’s Templates section (Appearance > Editor > Templates), you can view and edit all the editable templates.
  • You can create new templates by clicking the + icon labeled “Add New Template”, provided they meet the conditions of being part of the template hierarchy and not already existing.
  • Here, you can either choose the predefined templates or create a custom template that can be manually applied to any post or page.

Template Parts in Spectra One theme

Template Parts are small pieces of a layout that can be reused across multiple templates and always appear the same way. Common template parts include the site header, footer, or sidebar.

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