/ Documentation /General/ Spectra – Blocks Editor Spacing

Spectra – Blocks Editor Spacing

Adding or removing blank space between the blocks gives you more control over the design of your WordPress site. To make this process much more accessible, Spectra has developed a Blocks Editor Spacing feature.

Enabling this setting will apply spacing between all blocks inside the block editor.

This guide delves into Spectra’s Block Editor Spacing settings, explaining how to control the space between blocks to achieve a clean and organized layout.

Why Does Block Editor Spacing Matter?

While content is king, the way you present it visually on your website plays a significant role. Well-managed spacing between blocks improves readability, and guides users’ eyes through the content.

Spectra recognizes this importance and provides control over block editor spacing. This allows you to customize the space between different types of content, ensuring a visually clean and engaging website for your website visitors.

How to Enable Blocks Editor Spacing?

To enable the Blocks Editor Spacing option, go to Spectra > Dashboard > Settings > Editor Options > Blocks Editor Spacing. You can input the value of your choice, and the settings will be saved automatically.

By enabling this option, the spacing will be applied between all blocks inside the block editor.


If you set the Blocks Editor Spacing to 50px, the spacing between blocks in the block editor will automatically be set to 50px. Have a glance at the below-attached screenshot.

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