/ Documentation /Spectra One/ Customizing Block Styles in Spectra One Theme

Customizing Block Styles in Spectra One Theme

Block styles play a crucial role in enhancing the visual appeal and user experience of a website built with the Spectra One theme. With block styles, you can apply predefined and selective styling to specific blocks, particularly focusing on core blocks such as core/archives, core/button, core/categories, core/latest-comments, core/latest-posts, core/post-author, core/post-terms, core/search, core/separator, and core/tag-cloud. This documentation will guide you through the process of customizing block styles in the Spectra One theme, allowing you to create visually engaging and cohesive content.

Accessing Block Styles

Block styles can be accessed from the block settings on the right-hand side of the page. Let’s say you would like to edit the block styles of the blocks in the sidebar. To navigate to block styles, please navigate to Appearance and click on Editor.


Click on the Template Parts to navigate to the Sidebar.

Click on the Sidebar to access the blocks.


Select the block that you would like to change the styles for. Click on the style button on the block settings. You will be able to see the available styles.


Select the styles of your choice and click on save to make the changes permanent. Here is a video guide on how these changes affect your website in real-time.


We strongly recommend taking a backup of your website before making any changes to your website or the block settings. Here is an article that will guide you to take a backup of your website.


Customizing block styles in the Spectra One theme allows you to apply predefined styling to specific blocks, enhancing the visual consistency and overall design of your website. Experiment with different properties, colors, and layouts to align the block styles with your branding and content. With the flexibility provided by Spectra One, you can transform your website’s core blocks into visually appealing elements that captivate your audience.

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