/ Documentation /Spectra One/ Add Custom/Google Fonts In Spectra One

Add Custom/Google Fonts In Spectra One

Adding custom or Google fonts can help you achieve a unique and personalized design for your website.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to integrate Google fonts within your Spectra One theme.

Note: You need to install both the Spectra plugin and Spectra One theme on your website.

How to Add Custom/Google fonts using the Spectra plugin

Spectra offers 1500+ Google font options. To use them:

1. Navigate to Spectra > Dashboard and select “Settings”.

2. Click on Theme Fonts and enable the option “Font Families”.

3. Click on the dropdown arrows to select the font, font style, and font-weight you would like to use on your site.

4. Click on the Add Google Font option once done.

5. Now navigate to Appearance > Editor. 

6. Click anywhere on the editor and choose the Styles tab. Then, click on Typography.

7. Click on typography settings for different elements to see the previously added font family in the spectra dashboard. 

8. Select the newly added custom/google font and click the Save option. 

You’ll be able to see the new custom font applied to your website. Preview your website to verify the changes.

Here’s a video demonstration of the whole process:

That’s it! We hope this guide helped you choose your preferred font.

For any assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support. We’re always here to help!

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