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Spectra Database Update Instructions (Version 2.0.0 and Below)

We have implemented a database update for users who have created pages with versions below 2.0.0

If you have pages on your website created with Spectra version 2.0.0 and below and then updated to the later versions, you will get an update notice.

This update ensures compatibility for the Advanced Heading block and Info-box.

It stores the attributes of Advanced Heading alignment, subheading, and Info-box image width.

Updating your database is crucial to ensure compatibility with Spectra’s latest features, specifically designed to enhance your website’s performance and functionality.


Before proceeding with the database update, please ensure you have created a backup of your website.

Update Notice

Users who created pages using versions 2.0.0 and below will receive a notice to update the database.

The notice will have the following two buttons:

1. Update Spectra Database: Starts the migration.

2. Learn More About This: Redirects to this documentation page.

Update Process

After clicking the Update Spectra Database button, the update process starts. A new notice will appear indicating that the process is in progress.

Users can refresh the page or perform other activities; the migration will continue in the background.

After successful migration, a success message with logs will be displayed.

After Update Completion

You will get an “Update Successful” prompt after the update is installed successfully.

Click on the View Log button to see the pages that were updated.


If the update fails or users face issues:

  • Go to your Spectra dashboard.
  • Start migration by attaching `&migrate_to_new=yes` to the Spectra dashboard URL.

That’s all! If you go back now, the pages with advanced headings, info-boxes, or subheadings will have their database updated to provide better compatibility.

If you face any issues while updating the database, please contact us. We’re here to help!

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