/ Documentation /General/ Spectra – Collapse Panels

Spectra – Collapse Panels

The editor panel can now be collapsed for an improved editing experience. You can enable or disable this feature by navigating to Settings > Spectra > Settings in the WordPress Admin dashboard.

Purpose of Collapse Panels in Spectra

When working on a single block/module in spectra, you will notice various panels related to that block settings. If you set desired options in the panel and navigate to another panel, the previous panels still remain open. You might have difficulty designing the blocks or modules at that time. To overcome this, Spectra has come up with the Collapse Panels option. 

You can enable or disable the Collapse panels option by navigating to the Settings > Spectra > Settings in the WordPress Admin dashboard. By setting the toggle to on mode, you can enable the Collapse Panels option.

Collapse panel settings

When the Collapse Panels option is disabled:

If you do not want to Collapse all other Panels in your Blocks Settings when you click one panel, disable the collapse panel option.

When the collapse panels option is disabled, the editor panel will look like this. Have a glance at the below-attached screenshot once.

Collapse panel disabled

When the Collapse Panels option is enabled:

Enable the \”Collapse Panels\” option if you want to Collapse all other Panels in your Blocks Settings except for the one clicked. This way, you have only one Panel of Settings in front of you to Focus on. You can also easily collapse the different sections, making it much easier to navigate through all other settings available. 

When the collapse panels option is enabled, the editor panel will look like this. Have a glance at the below-attached screenshot once.

Collapse panel enabled
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