/ Documentation /Developer/ How to Regenerate Spectra Assets Using Custom Code 

How to Regenerate Spectra Assets Using Custom Code 

The ‘Regenerate Assets’ button under Spectra > Settings > Asset Generation allows users to regenerate CSS and JS assets: 

For example, if you update your site and visitors still see old styles, regenerating assets fixes this.

By doing it programmatically, you can trigger the refresh through your plugin or backend, saving time with every website update.

Regenerating Spectra Assets Automatically

Spectra regenerates its CSS and JS files by updating something called the asset version (__uagb_asset_version)

To trigger this, we can update that version number using a custom function in your functions.php file. This is how you can automate it:

Step 1: Update The Asset Version

You can update the asset version using the update_option() function in WordPress, like this:

update_option( '__uagb_asset_version', time() );

Note: The time() function ensures a unique timestamp is used, forcing Spectra to regenerate the assets.

Step 2: Hooking The Version Into Actions

You can set this process to run automatically when certain actions happen on your site, like saving a post. 

To do that, you add this code to your functions.php file:

add_action( 'save_post', 'regenerate_page_assets', 10 );

function regenerate_page_assets() {

    // Update the asset version to trigger regeneration

    update_option( '__uagb_asset_version', time() );


This code hooks into the save_post action and tells WordPress to regenerate Spectra’s assets whenever a post or page is saved. That way, your site’s CSS and JS files stay updated automatically.

You can hook this into various WordPress actions (such as save_post and more).

That’s all! If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team.

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