Hey Spectra Users!
We’re thrilled to unveil the latest release of Spectra 2.12.8!
In this update, we’ve made some cool changes:
What’s New:
- Google Maps – Added a toggle to switch between Roadmap View and Satellite View.
- Global – Improved the block-name identification for the default fallback attributes.
- Global – Added WPML compatibility to the ‘How To’, ‘Buttons’, ‘Forms’, and ‘Marketing Button’ blocks.
- Container – Resolved an issue wherein the link control content and edit icon would overflow out-of-screen after entering lengthy URLs.
- Counter – Resolved an issue wherein the total number resets to default on end number change.
- Global – Resolved an issue that would cause block-styling to break when used for a custom archive template of specific post types in FSE themes.
We’re always eager to hear your thoughts and assist you in any way we can.
And remember, for further assistance, our Spectra docs are just a click away!
Team Spectra
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