New :
- New: Added an option to rollback to a previous version.
- New: Added an option to get update notifications for beta versions.
- New: Lottie – Added alignment Option.
Improvements :
- Improvement: Frontend optimization by reducing one request of CSS.
- Improvement: Improved the Dynamic Assets loading functionality for better performance.
- Improvement: Static CSS Optimized by loading only used blocks’ CSS on a Page.
- Improvement: Table of content – Optimized headings rendering to remove CLS impact.
Fixes :
- Fix: Advanced Column – Column Gap Setting overlapping issue.
- Fix: Advanced Column – Column Gap Setting not working in the Editor issue.
- Fix: Advanced Column – Stack on tablet and mobile in preview mode.
- Fix: Blockquote – Tweet link showing an empty page link and username.
- Fix: Block condition – Conflicting with Real Media Library plugin.
- Fix: Blocks throwing an error when deactivated all the Spectra blocks except the Multi Buttons, Forms & How To.
- Fix: Inline Notice and Review Schema block UI broken if Gutenberg plugin is activated.
- Fix: Lottie – Settings conflict issue.
- Fix: Lottie – Alignment issue in the editor.
- Fix: Post Grid – Link to complete box redirect to the last post when image background set to Top.
- Fix: Post Layout – Conflicting with the Envira Gallery plugin.
- Fix: Post Layout – Invalid HTML markup of a post meta link.
- Fix: Section – Margin Left/Right not working issue.
- Fix: Social Share – Query string variables were omitted after the first ampersand. Encoded the Page/Post URL.
- Fix: Table of content – HTML validation issue.